When I woke up this past Sunday morning, my first thought was, “December 1st. How did that happen? How can it be the last month of the year?”
It seems that only yesterday we packed up the Christmas decorations for their annual trek to the attic, and now it’s time to bring them down again. How did that happen?
I don’t know about you, but for me, 2019 has flown by. The year has been full of work, family, friends, travel. It’s been full of the expected and the unexpected, accomplishments and disappointments, ups and downs, joys and sorrows. But isn’t that just the way life is?
Yes, it’s December already – certainly one of the busiest months of the year. It’s the time when businesses wrap up deals, prepare year-end reports, draft next year’s budget, and tie up loose ends. And it’s time to decorate, shop, wrap, cook, clean, travel, send holiday cards, plan and/or attend social events, school functions, and services at our churches or synagogues.
During this month, there are literally hundreds of concerts, shows, plays, recitals, special performances, parades, caroling and Christmas tree lighting events scheduled every afternoon and evening. It’s the month when we get together with family and friends to enjoy Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Eve – and, least we forget, football. During this month we attempt to meet up with those people we haven’t seen all year – squeezing in breakfasts, lunches, dinners, parties, coffees, happy hours – filling up every possible day, hour, and minute.
If you’re like me, maybe 2019 evaporated quickly because I spent most months filling up every day, hour, and minute. And, if you’re like me, maybe you spent way too many of your days, hours, and minutes in a frenzy. I looked up the word “frenzy”. It means “temporary madness; extreme mental agitation”. Sound familiar?
Here’s something I know…
Just as this year came and went in a flash, so will next year and the next and the next, so I’m committed to avoiding “frenzy’ – that “extreme mental agitation” that leads to “temporary madness”. During December, I’m going to work on practicing “calmness” – which is the antonym of frenzy. I’m going to limit my commitments. I’m going to simplify. I’m going to enjoy the days, hours, and minutes. I’m going to practice a little peace on earth – at least in my thoughts and actions and in my little corner of the world.
Want to join me?
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