We had driven by the sign for years, actually decades. A small sign on the left side of US Hwy 84 about an hour north of Santa Fe. Just before the sign, on the right side of the road, is another sign that points to a lavender farm. There’s also a picturesque inn and a Georgia O’Keefe Museum. Those attractions on the right side of the road are enough
to divert travelers’ attentions away from the sign on the left side.
We had driven by it for years, actually decades – that small sign on the left side of US 84 that simply said, “Abiquiu”(ABBEY-cue). We had often said, “Someday we should drive up that way and see what’s there.” But habit and “hurry” had kept us from doing so…until last week.
When we turned up “the road not taken”, we discovered a lovely Catholic church and a number of original abode dwellings – some dilapidated, others in fairly good repair. But the real surprise was the Bosshard Gallery and Historic Mercantile, a treasure trove of pottery, furniture, antiques and artifacts gathered from the Southwest as well as other parts of the world. John Bosshard’s collection, which we learned attracts art lovers, collectors, and decorators from everywhere, was an amazing find, and Matthew, who was minding the store that day, gave us not only an informative tour of the gallery but also shared much of the fascinating history of the area. Abuquiu, we learned, is much more than what we’d expected and certainly worth making a turn off the beaten path.
Are you stuck on a “beaten path”? Are you doing the same old things in the same old way? Do habit and “hurry” keep you from trying something new, making a new discovery that could enrich your life or work?
Maybe your people are stuck. Maybe they need a new direction, one that leads to an energetic, enthusiastic, engaged workplace. Help them get off the beaten path. You may be surprised by the treasure trove of talents and accomplishments you discover. Maybe your “OK” team could be transformed into a great one that could produce great results.
©Julie Alexander 2018