How quick we are to criticize. How quick we are to seek out a weakness in someone in order to shine a light on it or become defensive when our own weaknesses are pointed out. How quick we are to find fault rather than look for what is good and right and positive in others. How quick we are to judge without knowing all the facts.
Maybe we think that by tearing down others, we elevate ourselves. Maybe our own feelings of self-doubt create such insecurities that we try to make ourselves look good by making others look bad. Maybe it’s human nature, or maybe we’ve been influenced by those in the public eye who take the faultfinding, disparaging approach to any idea, person, doctrine, statement, or belief that is in any way contrary of their own.
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of it. I’m tired of the finger-pointing, the arguing, the derogatory attitudes, the negativity, the self-centered, self-righteous, contentious language and behaviors that are so prevalent in today’s world. I frequently find myself wanting to scream, “Stop it!”. But I’m pretty sure my plea would fall on deaf ears.
The truth is…
I’m not without blame. I’ve been quick to share my disapproval by making unfavorable remarks that serve no positive purpose. I’ve been critical of people, situations, opinions, differences. So, I’m making a commitment to stop the criticism, the comments that come out of my mouth that serve no useful purpose. I can’t control the media, the politicians, the haters, the Tweeters, the commentators, the Facebook posters, the irate ones, the radicals, the loudmouths. But I can control me.
Dale Carnegie said, “Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain – and most fools do.”
©2020 Julie Alexander