I love Thanksgiving. I love the tradition, the gathering of family and friends and, of course, the food! I especially love the idea of giving thanks. When we acknowledge how fortunate we are, we become better human beings. When we give thanks, we’re filled with a joy and inner peace that comes from sincere gratitude and appreciation. Giving thanks puts things in perspective. We all have hurts, hardships, and hurdles, but giving thanks for our bounty, benefits and blessings causes us to see our lives from a different point of view. Thankfulness generates positive feelings that fill up the holes in our hearts.
If you want to have the best Thanksgiving ever, here’s a suggestion. Today, start an on-going list of those things for which you are thankful. Keep your list in a journal or a small notebook. List your blessings – the things for which you’re grateful. Encourage your family members to do the same. Your investment of a little time to make your list and a little money for the notebook is small, but the benefits are tremendous. At your Thanksgiving gathering, encourage each person to share 2-3 items from their list. I assure you that it will be memorable and may be the beginning of a new tradition.
And when the last bite of Thanksgiving turkey is gone and the last crumb of pumpkin pie has been consumed, don’t stop giving thanks. Keep your list going, and during those times when you feel depressed, disappointed, or discouraged – and you will – review your list. Doing so will lift your spirits and remind you that, in spite of current circumstances, you have much to be thankful for.
Making note of the people, things, and circumstances for which you are grateful is a good place to start, but think how much more powerful your “thanks” become when they are linked with “giving”.
For example,
If you can walk, give thanks and give a hand to those who stumble.
If you can see, give thanks and be the eyes of those who are in the dark.
If you have good health, give thanks and take care of those who are weak.
If you have plenty, give thanks and share your abundance with those in need.
If you have a home, give thanks and open your doors with generous hospitality.
If you are blessed with family and friends, give thanks and be a friend to those who are lonely.
If you have a smile, give thanks and give it away. It will be returned to you ten-fold.
If you are an American, give thanks and vow to do everything in your power to preserve your freedoms.
If you have been blessed in any way, give thanks to God from whom all blessings flow.
At this Thanksgiving season, you need to know that I’m thankful for you. Perhaps I spoke at your company, association meeting, convention, retreat, school, or church. Perhaps you’re someone I’ve coached, or maybe I’ve worked with your company. Wherever our paths may have crossed, I’m grateful for you and blessed by your friendship and support.
Make thanks-giving a priority all year long, and make each day a grateful day.
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